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The Joy of Gratitude

I sat down to write a profound reflection on gratitude. I intended to compose beautiful words about what it means to give thanks. I tried...

The Object of Gratitude

Gratitude has been getting a lot of press lately. Psychologists present research demonstrating the many mental and emotional benefits of...


Most of my childhood was spent playing with my two brothers in the beautiful woods behind our house. We created elaborate imaginary...

Hot Pockets

I love stand-up comedy. Of all my (many) quirks, this is the one my family teases me about most often, probably because I think that...

Good Over Fast

A couple nights ago, a friend and I met at a local coffee shop to catch up. Our conversation turned to traveling and she began telling me...


The departure time was approaching and we still hadn't been assigned a gate, so I lingered around the departure board in my usual...

Standing Together

I love historical fiction. I especially love anything by Conn Iggulden. A couple of years ago, a friend introduced me to his series on...

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